Espace Vanhomwegen
Rue de Russie 31
1060 Saint-Gilles

Built with

  1. 27/6/2021 - 10/7/2021

    Réponse 2.0

  2. In 2016, the exhibition "Réponse 1.0" was created with the aim of exhibiting and collaborating between Sophie Vanhomwegen and Jean Bernard Robillard.

    Rather than simply presenting or co-signing common pieces, the artists chose to explore the concept of cooperation and collaboration through a series of exhibitions.

    "Réponse 2.0" continues this discussion between these two seemingly different artistic universes, which sometimes clash and sometimes merge.

    At times, one artist's work directly responds to the other's, while at other times, it creates a connection between two pre-existing pieces. This way, "Réponse" acts as a dialogue between not only two artists, but also two individuals. Each artwork represents an argument, idea, or lead that enriches the discussion.

    The conversation covers conceptual artistic issues that are important to both artists, such as support, medium, everyday life and routine, repetition, and the mundane, as well as more formal issues related to the alienation of images.

    While preserving their individuality and ownership of their respective works, the two artists present a cohesive journey and work through precise hanging. They listen and speak to each other, discussing through their artworks.